Monday, July 28, 2008

It's a Miracle(-Tab)

20080728 typecast


  1. That jesus-clip thing is pure poetry.

    I have to say your Moses looks MUCH better than my poor Dolores, Our Lady of Sorrow. Moses looks sturdy compared to the muddy frumpiness. I call the color "Mississippi River Sludge" because that's exactly what it is.

    I knew you'd love the way Moses types - even before the naming. Damn these things.

  2. I think I mentioned somewhere (maybe it was Monda's blog) that I like the looks of that model Remmie. They look like the forward-leaning automobiles from advertising graphics and cartoons of the era.

    I'll bet the Jesus Clip got its name from some typewriter design engineer who kept saying, "Jesus Christ, why won't this space bar stay in place?"

  3. Damn them indeed, Monda. I feel like the neighborhood crazy cat lady, taking in all the strays and giving them names and elaborate histories, building tunnels to the front door out of newspapers.

    Olivander, you're close. It's actually called an e-clip but is affectionately (?) known as the Jesus clip for the oath said after the tiny thing goes shooting across the room. I had this exact experience when I tried to pry the first one in place...


    "Jesus! Where'd that go!?"

    Luckily, I bought two.

  4. All this talk of how homely and stubborn these Quiet Riters are won't deter me. I think this is going to be my next typewriter.

  5. Strikethru, you own an SM9 so you know the secret joy of typing with a machine that puts looks behind function. The Quiet-Riter looks almost like a Studebaker to me, maybe considered lovely in its time, but certainly a product of its era.

    The typing, though... oh my.

  6. Naturally we need pictures, Teri. Yours, mine, and Monda's will have a virtual get-together and swap beauty tips or something.
