A couple of things of interest today:
Just when you thought it was time to put away the banners and bunting, the Typewriter Day celebration continues! Despite events both unfortunate (a few drop-outs) and fortunate (a wedding and a major move -- both for the same person) I believe all of the T.D. packets are still accounted for, with one making the cross-country trek as I type this, hopefully to arrive on Western shores... soonish. Everyone think positive thoughts for the postal service and pray for mild headwinds.
After a bit of technical hysterics, the NaNoWriMo.org site is up and going again, and hopefully for the duration. All Typewriter Brigade members and supporters are encouraged to join up and become one with the collective. There is no escape.
Realizing that my participation in the T.B. may upset a few denizens of my house (read: everyone) while I'm banging out my nightly 1,667 after bedtime, I'm going to make a felt typing pad to act as a cushy barrier between the bottom of the chosen machine(s) and the writing surface of choice. Watch this space for thrilling updates of the knitting variety.
Finally, typecaster "Desert Loon" has posted pictures of his new daughter, and I have to say that she may be the third most beautiful little girl on the planet (after my own two, natch.) Click on over and get your awwww on.
It's tough finding time to write, yes?
OK, now I totally am going to ask my wife for a cushy knit typewriter pad.
With the kids, it was tough finding time during daylight hours. Weekends were kind of a any-spare-moment thing, but on the better-scheduled weekdays, my best writing time was after the older kids were in bed and my wife and our then-newborn were asleep on the sofa.
ReplyDeleteThis year I'm going to have to do some of the daily word count on my lunch break (in public - gulp) since I simply can't be typing too late at night. Unless I set up shop in the van... hmmmm...
Horrific admission, a travelling type packet has been with me FAR too long, but I just completed it this weekend and it is on its way.
ReplyDeleteIf I am to be excommunicated from the typosphere for this gaffe, let me at least take my SM9 on the way out the door! Oh wait, and my Galaxie too.
Oh wait, meant to add, this will be my first nano with a kid around, which partially inspired the purchase of the Neo, so I can write in any random situation (not quite possible with a typewriter, sadly).
ReplyDeleteSo, details on this typing pad? Are there specs? I can knit (badly) and need to make myself one if there are. With all of my spare time, that is.
Aw, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI am really hoping that I can get my daughter accustomed to the sound of my typewriter. First I'll have to find a moment to even touch it. I'll see how things look after a month.