Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Warp-speed procrastination

Am I the last person on Earth to notice Google Reader? I keep toying with a "blogroll" section so I can keep an eye out for new posts on everyone's space, or obsessively reload Strikethru since she's on top of finding new type-blogs. Thanks to Reader, I just subscribe to 'em. It's incredibly cool, and now makes me look like ever more the cyber-stalker.

Lots of good discussions going on about NaNoWriMo and maintaining the balance between writing fast and writing well. Again, hoping for the latter, but only worrying about the former this year.

Halfway through the typing pad project. I tried for a casual-posed shot showing the work-in-progress along side the Skyriter, but the fabric totally dwarfs that poor machine. It looked like it was being swallowed by a giant brown poo. Will try for a more flattering "before" photo before I run it through the wash. Only 130 rows to go...


  1. Poo...awesome. LOL. You're knitting that typewriter, right? Good luck.
    Hope your NaNo goes well then!

  2. Watch out for the easy seduction of Google Reader. I'm watching easily forty feeds a day now. Maybe more.

    Including yours.

    Keep knitting!

  3. For some reason, I can't seem to get Google reader to work. I am sure it is user error.

  4. Oh Lordy it's addictive. You can monitor all sort of stuff on one page, and never leave your account -- the ultimate shut-in-paranoid-freak software. I love it, and it scares me.
