Thursday, April 30, 2009


  • Like a dolt I missed World Pinhole Day this past Sunday. This from the guy with a drawer full of various junk-store cameras, including at least one that has been converted to pinhole use. I even bothered to put it on the site links, too. Argh. I had intended to redo the pinhole plane on my crappy Bell & Howell plastic junker -- the hole is off-center, which bothers me more than I'd like to admit.
Pinhole of my office

  • Speaking of days, did you realize that it's supposedly Manual Typewriter Day today? Yeah, me neither. That's the bad news. The good news is that tomorrow, all those decorations will be half-off, just in time to prep for your own Typewriter Day festivities (June 23, don't forget!) A Typewriter Day in April? Sounds like an excuse to sell more greeting cards to me.
  • From the gotta-try-this department, I stumbled into the recipe for "Caffenol" film developer, made from kitchen ingredients like instant coffee and washing powder. This just sounds too cool to ignore, despite the long develop times and the reported mega-stink that it makes. Of course, real developer is no bouquet of roses, either. Those zany kids and their chemistry knowledge.


  1. Who made up this typewriter day, and why don't they advertise it more? I forget it every year.

  2. Dammit. I miss everything during final exams. I'm sending out that card to everyone anyway. I don't care if it's late.

  3. I think this particular Manual Typewriter Day is observed primarily in Italy.

  4. And why *didn't* you realize it? It was right there on the calendar I made. What do you mean you didn't download it?

  5. Olivander, that catalog of yours is like a pin-up in a garage -- too distracting to the hired hands. I'd never get anything done with those lovelies staring me in the face all month. *blush*
