Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I appear to be an idiot

...because I simply cannot get the comments thing to work on various blogs, specifically Monda's, Joe Van Cleave's, and his grandson's (Line Writer.) It's some kind of voodoo with the embedded comments form, and I thought that it might have to do with a browser plugin -- I'm using NoScript -- but I'm unable to do this even running other browsers.

Normally I have nothing but love for Blogger, but if I can't leave snarky, irrelevant comments on your blogs, what motivation will you have to leave the same on mine?


  1. I'm glad (!) someone else is having this problem. Thing is, when someone posts a comment to my or my Grandson's blog, and I want to respond with a followup comment, I can't seem to get the darned electrons to cooperate -- at least when using my desktop computer. But I seem to have no problem doing so on my netbook Both computers are using XP.

    I think it has something to do with cookies. I'm using Firefox on both computers. I'll try flushing all my cookies on the desktop, and see if I can then get the password/login field to work properly.

    Word Verification: hypepth. That's exactly the problem we're having!

  2. Me too. This has been brought up in Blogger forums before (it's not just us) but no one has answered it adequately. Someone said that if you press your TAB key you are able to access word verification properly. I found that by using different browsers, I could get it to work (I think Firefox is the offending browser. Am I the only person who hates Firefox? It seems to crash a lot and handles forms poorly. Try Opera?)

  3. Oh wait, this is interesting, related to this topic:


  4. How irritating. I just changed comments to "pop-up" on all my blogs. It's a shame, though, because the embedded option is so much lovelier.

  5. Wait - is the problem with the word verification thingie, that it cuts off? If so, I'll just turn that off.

  6. Well, I've often found in the embedded comments forms that the word ver drops out the bottom of its little frame and I've had to scroll down within that frame to see it. I use Firefox on both Windows and Mac and the behavior is the same.

  7. That might be it, Olivander. I never see the word verification piece, just the standard parts about being required to log in for comments (which is fine.)

    Glad to know that I'm not the only person who's struggling with this. I mean, I know you're not all losing sleep about lacking my pearls of wisdom (cough) but I do enjoy pitching in my two cents, as you well know.

  8. I haven't been having any problems with IE or FF. I can't, however, figure out Miracle Tabs, so there's that.

  9. Okay, let's talk about those Miracle Tabs. I've had them demonstrated before my very eyes once, have figured them out by accident on two separate occasions, and I can't seem to remember now how I made them work.

    The tabs, my friend, are NOT miraculous.

    Word verification: knophabi

    One of those garbled words the dad says on A Christmas Story right before "nadda-finga!"

  10. Miracle Tab like set-from-the-keyboard tab? Move the carriage to where the tab should go, press the lever to "S" to set it. To clear a tab, press the "Tab" key until you get to the right one, then move the lever to "C" to clear it. There should be a little *snik* sound from the back of the carriage someplace as a tiny metal bit is swiveled into/out of place.

    Or did you mean Magic Margins? Those are special too, and if I think about what I'm doing, I always get them wrong. Magic Margins are easy... if you have three thumbs.
