Sunday, November 1, 2009


Oh, thank goodness. Now I just have to try and read the notes I made last night while all hopped up on Reese's Pieces.

November dreaming

Now stop wasting time on the Intertubes and get typing!


  1. I'm not starting until I meet with my local group after church. The suspense is palpable.

  2. I bet! I didn't start as early as I was wanting to, with kids and all, but I did get a few pages started after they finished breakfast.

    We are out and about for most of the day, so I'll get a chance at naptime and after the kiddos go to bed.

    My mind is racing as I got a good start to a story and more things just keep coming to mind!

  3. I got a late-ish start considering I woke up at five (four the new time) and couldn't get back to sleep, but have about two pages. I need more like six total for the day, I think. Eek. And I think I can do this every day for a month?

    And one of my characters is already starting to annoy me. This isn't a good sign.

    Mike, are you taking your typewriter to the local group meeting?

  4. Finally!!! Already logged in a few pages this morning, I have my B-day dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and then more writing. The SM9 is getting some great use before the SG arrives. Good Luck everyone!

  5. I just got an SM9 yesterday and already it is leading my NaNo charge.

    I've got two writing sessions in so far today (early morning and nap time) and I'm right around 2,000 words for the day.

    I know I need to make good use of my weekend, as I am not sure how well I will be doing during the week...

  6. Happy birthday, James! Hope it's a great one, even with the delayed Big Honkin' Present!

    And deek, congrats on the SM-9! They are great machines.

  7. I love November. Remind me of this in a couple of weeks.

  8. Had a strong start: let's see how the infamous cards o' plot hold up for the month. I'm setting a crazy/secret goal for myself this year, will share more later when I'm sure I'm not going to jinx it.
