Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Idiot Spammer (and Everybody Else)

Thanks to your amateurish spamming for your titty-site, I'm instituting comment moderation. Considering that I've got a readership far smaller than most bathroom scrawls, I can't imagine that you're getting the kind of response that you'd hoped for by your regular posts here. And since I get a copy of every comment in my email (highly recommended, by the way, fellow Bloggerites) I have been blasting your stupid links into the Point of No Return as soon as they darken my inbox.

I don't know why you've decided to pick on me: I thought you were picking up links from my flickr stream, but now you're trashing my photo-free posts, too. You're probably some badly-written bot, and I'm tired of you. So, I'm throwing up the gate for a while. Don't worry! I'll still report every single spammy post to Google and report your automated blog for abuse/spamming every time I see you.

Everybody Else: it's not like this place sees a lot of traffic, but I like to keep it as friendly and open as I can. If the 'bot gets bored/goes away, I'll drop the moderation again, but in the meantime, I apologize if your comments suddenly take longer to appear on the site. I've activated email notices for those as well now.


  1. Yep, I always had mine set up to email me comments which is why I left them unmoderated, but with the proliferation of the booby links I turned on captchas and it stopped. Shame on you, obscenitybot. I like to keep my life captcha-free.

    Then again, that's why I like livejournal, as I have never been attacked by boobs over there and there are no captchas anywhere, cuz everybody's always logged in.

  2. I've got the word-verification on, and you have to be logged in with some service to post (Google or LJ or whatever.) The spams are all coming from "inside the house," though -- Blogger accounts set up by spammers.

    What we really need to do is just make one big happy/crappy typosphere blog, invite everybody as members, and then sit around and entertain each other until our mental typebars seize up. is free. ;-)

  3. Rather, it was free. Heh heh heh.

  4. Yea, I'm getting my blog spammed, too. And also my Grandson's (The Line Writer). I moderate comments on both now.

    There's got to be some incentive for Blogger management to put an end to this spamming, especially if we (collectively?) threaten to shut our blogs down and move on to another host site.

    But perhaps they'd easily see through my vain and empty threats. Still, it makes me feel better.


    Word Ver: "suram". I'm serious. Suram.

  5. I'm getting a weird sleaze spammer on my site too. Hate wasting my nonexistent time deleting the comments. Ugh. It just makes no sense to spam typewriter blogs with small audiences. Does word verification no longer stop spam bots?

  6. You're a devious, devious man, Mr. Clemens...

  7. Captcha/word verification stops most software-based spamming, although even that isn't perfect. I suspect this is being done by a human, though through automatically-created Blogger accounts.

  8. I haven't gotten any spam yet on my blogspot page, but I've had that fight on my website. Its quite annoying, but with lower traffic, it doesn't take too much extra effort.

    I'm always up for some community typoshere blog/site. We can get in at the ground floor and then all get famous together:)

  9. Dirty spammers. I've had an avalanche of these, and in several languages. Nothing like opening the mail and finding forty or so comments that must be deleted one by one.

    I don't hate it enough to go to Wordpress. Yet.

  10. I've been getting them for a few months. I ban them from posting, which is also why I moderated my blog a while ago.

  11. I also forgot to mention how sneaky you are. (shame on me) I'm totally in on this entertain thy self typosphere blog.
