Wednesday, January 11, 2012


20120111 typecast

Goodreads seems like a fairly decent way to document my reading (and monetize it, no doubt). I'm just starting to use it. No promises that it will keep me from reading trash, though.

Typed on a Hermes 3000
Hermes 3000, c. 1968


  1. I read hardly anything at all over Christmas...Dickens is one of those novelists I keep meaning to re-read, but never get around to. I think I am intimidated by the sheer size of his published works. The BBC broadcast an adaptation of Great Expectations over Christmas, with Gillian Anderson as Miss Havisham and Ray Winstone as Magwitch. It's a very good adaptation, I am told, so you may find it on US cable or satellite TV soon.

  2. Dickens, one of my favorite authors. I am glad that I am not the only one rereading books from high school. Nice post. I hope to hear of your next book(s).

  3. I think the only book I remember feeling force fed was "To Kill a Mockingbird." One of these days, I'll re-read it. I remember feeling unable to enjoy it because of all the analyzing we were supposed to be doing. Dickens, on the other hand, I was obsessed with. I think I read every single one of his best known works between eight and ninth grade, in massive, candy-fueled reading binges.

    I re-read A Tale of Two Cities about a year ago along with Bleak House. Need to revisit his other works at some point, except maybe David Copperfield. I will never quite forgive Dickens for David Copperfield, mostly on account of Dora. And because David Copperfield is a knuckle-headed wimp.

    Ooh, I can put EVERY ONE OF THESE on my Kindle and haul them all around until I feel like reading them! Coolness!!

  4. The only Dickens I've made it through completely was Bleak House. I think it was for an undergrad class, but can't recall. Loved the intricacy of it but D's character names always drove me bonkers! ;-)

  5. Over a long career of English classes, I was never once assigned any Dickens! And I must admit to my great shame that the total lack of academic exposure left me completely uninterested in his work.

    In fact, the only reason I became interested in fellas like Hemingway and Willy Shakes is that I was forced to imbibe them early on. Couldn't make me enjoy Fitzgerald, though.

  6. I'm still picking up "classics" and reading them, many of which were vaguely familiar from high school or college. I haven't gone back and read and Shakespeare, but I have read Dante's Divine Comedy in high school (Inferno) in college (Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise) and I've read all three at least two more times on my own...

  7. Still haven't made it through Moby Dick, despite picking it up probably a dozen times.
    I feel such shame.
