Thursday, June 23, 2016


Getting Prepped #worldtypewriterday #smithcorona #corsair #publictyping #june23 #clickthing
Preparations began the night before...

20160623 typecast pt1

20160623 typecast pt2

Typewiter Day 2016 #typewriterday #worldtypewriterday #internationaltypewriterday #june23 #publictyping #typosphere #smithcorona #corsair #analog #mtdiablo #lasjuntas #sunrise #cali #clickthing

As usual, the joy of pulling together a typecast is tempered by the cringing horror at my inability to spell. In my defense: it was early, I had not had coffee yet, and I had just hoofed it up a couple of hills to the pre-selected spot. But what a view! That's Mount Diablo, in the San Francisco Bay Area. There are far worse places to sit and be inspired on a summer morning, even without proper caffeine dosing beforehand.

As Richard rightly points out, this invented celebration has taken on a life of its own. I never expected that well into the 21st century we'd be fetishizing typewriters with wirelessly-connected pocket computers. It's a funny old world. But of course QWERTY and its cousins live on strong in our pockets. We're all carrying a piece of Sholes with us, and I don't think anyone's ready to say farewell to their keyboards just yet, physical or virtual. It's hard to get attached to a poem that's been "swiped."

Typed on a Smith-Corona Corsair Deluxe
First String #typewriterday #smithcorona #corsair #typewriter #vintage #publictyping #sunrise #clickthing

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