Wednesday, June 29, 2011


20110629 typecast

Typed on a backpack-perfect Hermes Baby:
Hermes Baby, c 1943

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Typewriter Day

Typewriter Day 2011

The scene for today's Typewriter Day celebrations. I've got video to splice together of the actual typing, such as it is. It was very difficult to pack up at the end of my lunch hour and head back indoors.

Monday, June 20, 2011


20110620 typecast

My morning walking companion, determined that a leaf blowing across the street is actually a squirrel, and thus demands a halt in our walk for a stare-down.
The Potentiality of Squirrels

Typed on a 1943 Hermes "baby"
Hermes Baby, c 1943

Saturday, June 11, 2011

No Post Today

No post today, for I am restoring my mental


by rummaging through the titles at the used book sale at the local


with my kids. (That's my daughter's elbow in the above pic.) Gadget lust can't replace the joy of the hunt.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Simplicity Redux

nookcast 20110608 pt1
nookcast 20110608 pt2
nookcast 20110608 pt3

For those of you playing along at home, the process was:
  1. Write post in LibreOffice
  2. Unnecessarily save as HTML
  3. Realize USB cable is sitting at home
  4. Walk to electronics store on lunch to get another cable
  5. Connect reader to computer
  6. Run Calibre to convert to .epub and install on reader
  7. Scan reader, paging between scans
  8. Re-scan for pages that changed accidentally due to button presses
  9. Open scan in gimp, realize it is in Black & White and not Greyscale mode
  10. Edit out the frame from the scans, which was the whole point
  11. Post anyway
Ah, technology. How you simplify our lives!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Attention Strippers

No, no, no, not that sort of stripper...

For those of you making Silver Surfers, I wonder: have any of you considered re-painting with appliance enamel? I'm sitting here staring at my stove, and thinking how nice a glossy white finish might look on some of these machines. Now, it's usually easier to get paint off a typewriter than it is to apply new paint on, but still... I wonder.