For those of you playing along at home, the process was:
- Write post in LibreOffice
- Unnecessarily save as HTML
- Realize USB cable is sitting at home
- Walk to electronics store on lunch to get another cable
- Connect reader to computer
- Run Calibre to convert to .epub and install on reader
- Scan reader, paging between scans
- Re-scan for pages that changed accidentally due to button presses
- Open scan in gimp, realize it is in Black & White and not Greyscale mode
- Edit out the frame from the scans, which was the whole point
- Post anyway
Now I can ask you - is it worth upgrading from the orginal nook? I got to play with it a bit in store but that isn't really enough. I can't find a good use case for the nook Color, but I use my original nook quite a bit...
Glad to see you're liking it though!
As I mentioned, my wife has the first edition, and everything I disliked about that model seems to have been addressed in this one:
* Lightweight - check
* Long battery - check (so far)
* Less "extra stuff" that adds weight or drains battery (MP3 playback, that LCD screen) - check
* Easier interface - check
I find the first edition clunky to use, I fat-finger the touch screen (usually wrongly), and the brightness distracts me until it mercifully shuts down. In return, I get a touch screen which makes the navigation completely intuitive. That said...
If you like your current Nook, I'd keep it. This is a 1.0 product, there is software weirdness now and then (freezes, touchscreen seems to shut down), and B&N has this very strange idea of capacity -- you actually only get about 236 Mb for your own content, everything else is locked away in an invisible directory, devoted to B&N. There are things they clearly need to address here.
If you can wait, I'd do so. I would not be surprised if B&N released a model with more onboard user-available storage space, as memory is surely cheap enough. And I would like to see what the next firmware update will bring (or break!)
As a first e-reader, though, it's great. The technology just vanishes, which is exactly what I'd hoped would happen.
cool posting method! well done
I don't really understand how you created these images, but they do look nice. Good font.
Richard, the short version is: I scanned the e-reader. The complexity was getting the file onto the reader in the first place, since I left the cable at home.
I'm still stumbling my way through the formats: just spent a productive (?) 45 minutes grabbing scads of free books from the Gutenberg Project. Happy, happy, happy.
As a kindle user, I've only ever played around with the nooks at display booths. Looks kinda cool, but I would find myself getting too distracted with the other stuff that it can do.
I've been happy with my kindle and thus far, have only used it to read books and magazines. With 3G and an awesome battery life, I have yet to feel wanting...
@deek: this new model can't do any of the "other stuff." Barnes & Noble stripped out all the games and sound player and other stuff from this model. That's why I like it.
Aces! All the better to buy e-books by fellow typecasters with...
That said, I'd like to hear more about your experiences with the Nook. I too suffer from FFS (fat finger syndrome), and although I work with them literally all day, touchscreens and I do not generally get along.
I sort of feel like I don't know you anymore.
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