Here's three things you should remember:
Using backspace makes you slow
Forward is the way to go.
When you're drafting: keep every word,
There's time in December to polish that

The Typewriter Brigade will form this year
In the forums again, don't you fear.
The Mafia keeps the riff-raff out
While the rest of us gambol about.
Don't be a stranger, come on by.
No pants required! (I don't know why.)

The Rhino is a fickle beast:
Wants you to write when you want to sleep.
But he can't help you unless you're there,
So plant your butt upon your chair.
Roll up your sleeves,
Turn on a light,
Stop making excuses,
And write, write, write.
Clearly the Rhino whispers in thy ear (:
Cheers! Thanks for the smile in my face.
All praise the rhino and the pantsless delegation. Nd the mafia. And the no backspace key.
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