Sunday, August 22, 2010

Seein' Green

I won't even preface this one with excuses, I'll just jump right to the money shot:
"Kermit", Royal Royalite typewriter, c1958
Yes, it's another super-minimal function travel typewriter, and it's darn cute, to boot. I got a complement from someone on it's handsome carrying case. ("That's a cool bag," he said, likely not knowing what was inside.) And even my wife thought it cute and surprisingly small, after I skulked back home with That Guilty Look on my face.

I paid too much, but I've already justified that by figuring that I've done well this summer by thrifted and free finds, and shopping at Goodwill is kind of like giving to a charity, and... and... and...

My karmic balance has been righted, I say. Namaste.

Of course, my real purpose was not to be parted from my green by buying something green. But intentions have a way of slipping through your fingers. I also didn't intend to bring home the 2008 copy of Writer's Market, and yet there it was, sitting in my other hand at checkout. I was clearly in a transcendental state and not fettered by rational thinking (as usual.) But my wife's been making noises about doing a little short-fiction writing of her own -- little hope of swaying her to typers, as of yet -- and who knows? Intentions are slippery things. It can't hurt to have a net ready in case one of them jumps in the boat.


Julia Eff said...

It's the pretty green keys that get me. I spent $45 on a Skyriter a few months ago, because it had green keys. And a green...rulery bit, with lighter-green writing. And it wasn't even a charity shop.

But that's damn pretty. Good one.

deek said...

What are we going to do with you, Mike?

Richard P said...

It never hurts to have another portable typewriter around. "Just in case"!!

mpclemens said...

@Julia: I swooned. And I know the Royalite isn't anything special, but I still swooned.

@Deek: I'm hopeless, probably. But not as hopeless as...

@Richard: You're an enabler, pure and simple. Visiting your pages is always a recipe for disaster.

Duffy Moon said...

Good looking machine, all right. If I'd have ever come across one (which I haven't) I'd have brought it home, too.

Mike Speegle said...

Nice! Id wins again, eh? I'd have let him, too.

BTW, that is officially the first time ever that the term "money shot" has been used on the internet to refer to a typewriter.

mpclemens said...

The Ego and Super-Ego just think they're in charge.

Anonymous said...

I am jealous. And I want a cute little typewriter...too bad I have nowhere to use one.