We're doing some remodeling, which required that I put my main NaNo typewriter away for a while, after I'd brought it out and given it a cleaning up. I'd forgotten that my middle child had "helped" with the process, making sure that the keys worked and the ribbon was properly inked. She wrote this up, and then a day later the contractor came, so her work was hurridly tucked away in my box of paper. When I sat down this morning to start NaNoWriMo, I found it again.

It's never a bad thing to kick off with your own personal cheering section.
I believe there is only one appropriate response to that: awwwwww!
That's pretty cool.
Oh, my kid's due for a woopin'. I'm gonna bring a typewriter in there and demand he do this for me. Rotten kid.
@LFP, Richard, Snohomish: I agree completely.
@Duffy: your offspring are heartless ingrates. Flog them until their attitudes improve.
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