Monday, June 22, 2009

Typewriter Day 2009

June 23, 2009

That's tomorrow, folks. Any plans for some public typing? How about finally sitting down and working on that thing for Strikethru's type journal? Me? Looks like I may be celebrating with jury duty. No cell phones or cameras or doodads allowed... wonder what they would think about a Corsair Deluxe?

Update: Decided not to tempt fate and upset the deputies and left the typer at home, and wouldn'tchaknowit, I sat today. I've got a typecast in mind when the case is over in a day or two, kindly raise a type-bar for me in the meantime, everyone!


Strikethru said...

**giant font tag** YOU MUST WORK ON THE TYPEWRITER JOURNAL SUBMISSION, EVERYONE! **end giant font tag**

Mike Speegle said...

Dude, I had jury duty today. Crazy.


Joe V said...

I've typed mine while on vacation in Oceanside, CA. We're in Flagstaff, headed back to Albuquerque. Will get mine in the mail tomorrow when I arrive (or this afternoon in Flagstaff if I make it to a store for a mailing envelope.)


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I would be featuring Typewriter Day or a version of it in my daily posting on facebook. You can see it either on my personal profile (Mona Curtis) or on my "other public figure" page, 365 Holidays a Year. I create educational calendars so I try to find holidays that are as interesting and educational as possible. (I forego Don't Do your Homework Day and the like). I found Columnist Day and Typewriter Day for June 23 and realized that they were intricately related. Anyway, I hope to see you on facebook or you can be on my mailinglist

Monda said...

You can bet I'll be out and about with one typewriter or another. God knows I need to start making journal choices and soon.

It's been busy around here, what with all the workshops, good typewriter shopping, and the pigs loose on the interstate.

zaynay said...

It's 5:45AM, I haven't slept a wink, and I JUST got an idea for a flash fic... I won't let this idea drift away during my sleep! Plus, think of the wonderful fancies my exhausted mine will create...

Mike Speegle said...

You sat? I didn't get called. I never get called for some reason. It's probably my menacing demeanor.

mpclemens said...

I was chosen, though not part of the original 12, but the voir dire process whittled it down so I wound up sitting on the jury. Dorky as it sounds, it was a good experience in the end.

Now, had the attorney's thought to ask if any potential jurors had archaic hobbies or interests, I'm sure I would have been tossed out on my ear.

Strikethru said...

voir dire sounds so... covert.

Pigs on the interstate!