Chalk up another point for having a typewriter around. When I was gathering up the Valentine's Day gifts for my wife yesterday, I came to the sudden realization that the card that I'd picked up weeks earlier was a birthday card, and not for this particular holiday (the curse of having the two dates fairly close together: I tend to handle all the cards and gifts in one trip.) Solution: pull out the Silent Super from the foot of the bed, raid my kids' rooms for scissors and a glue stick, and concoct a last-minute art card, complete with a jagged typewritten heart on the front. It took two tries, as attempt #1 looked more like an actual anatomical heart than the traditional Valentine shape. Add a couple of rubber stamps and a cheesy typewritten ditty, and now her box of candy has a seasonally-appropriate mash note to go with it.
Roses are red
This typewriter is green
This is the most last-minute Valentine
That you've ever seen!
OK, we're not talking poet laureate here, but it sure beats "Happy Birthday."
The day was saved by a Smith-Corona Silent-Super.

1 comment:
nice work! I make greeting cards out of pictures from here:
Today I used Tiepolo's "Rinaldo and Armida in the Garden"
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